The Forest Underground HC Hope for a planet in crisis by Tony Rinaudo
How do you regreen millions of hectares of land without planting a single tree?
In his 17 years in Niger, missionary agronomist Tony Rinaudo discovered an embarrassingly simple method of regreening land without planting a single tree.It’s a technique that not only alleviates poverty and soaks up carbon, but also costs almost 36 times less than planting trees from scratch.
This is not some green fantasy. Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) has, from small beginnings, already regreened more than 25 million hectares in 27 countries, reduced our carbon footprint and transformed millions of lives and livelihoods.
The remarkable story of FMNR is told in Tony’s new autobiography,
This book offers tangible hope for climate change, as well as a deeply moving recount of one man’s faith- journey.
In a seemingly hopeless crisis, this is the good-news story that will move hearts and hands to care for the planet.
“FMNR is probably the largest positive environmental transformation in the Sahel and, perhaps, in all of Africa.”
Chris Reij, Sustainable Land Management Specialist at the World Resources Institute
“Tony Rinaudo presents practical solutions to counter desertification, famine and despair.”
Ole von Uexkull, Executive Director of the Right Livelihood Award Foundation